
The 9th day of the month commonly referred to as “March”

Upon the 9th day of March, the three “regular” riders when out on the hills for a ride.

The usual route from town, up the wyche, up the wyche steps, along the ‘ridge’, black hills, round the “top path above Black Hils Carpark”, and dooown into British Camp Carpark. and this is where the route differed from normal;

First of all, stright up the shorter path from the carpark, then along to where the ‘main steps’ are. from here we doubled back onto a path that took us back along, and a bit further up, then crawled up a reeealy steep bit of path. Once at the top of said path, we kept our altitude, and followed the curve of the hill, before dropping down a tiny path (literally as big as a tyre) of which i had to convince my two fellow riders that they were NOT going to die! then following the gulley round we came to the top of the path that goes down from the top(ish) to the dias/cave. From this position, we hurtled down the side of the hill once again ~(see 17th Feb ride wirte up)~ but with more grace this time! i.e. not sideways!

Once we’d all made it down, we all rode along the ‘top’ then down into the valley bit, before going back up the other side of aforementioned valley part to carry along the ridge. We then found the path the Riders we’d met on the 17th showed us. Rattling through the woods, hopping over the style, down through more woods, emerging at Gullet Quarry preceded our arrival at Castlemorton Common. We absolutly flew across the common, mashed through Welland, explored a farm track/lane which led nowhere, and plodded back toward Malvern.

Aaand, as an interesting finish, comign past the showground; i spotted a Kestrel or possibly a Falcon (not too sure). this prompted a stop, during which i tried to call the bird of prey to my fist. It didn’t come down from it’s telegraph pole, much to my disappointment. Ben then said “well, if it had it’d probably rip your hand open like that falcon did to your arm!” (breif but of history: when i was younger, i did a bit of falcon-ing and one of the birds missed my fist and landed with one talon on my arm instead of the glove, and then as it took of it took a slice of me with it!)

IIIIIn conclusion this ride was intersting and definatly worth repeating, whether we’ll see that bird again may not happen, but otherwise the route was good and definatley worth riding again!

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