Posts Tagged ‘cycling


3rd Feb – Castlemorton Route

Today (3rd febs) i went for a cycle with two of my Red Rider friends;

After ploughing up the Wyche, we hopped onto the ridge and rattled our way down to Black hills car park, round the corner to Brit Camp (where Adam opted to turn round as his handle bars made funny noises as they turned and pulled to whichever side was the most annoying). Ben and I soldiered on up to Clutters Cave (freeezing winds) a monster down hill soon followed and there we were, hacking accross Castle Morton Common, COWS!! There were cows across the road, not just one or two but about twenty odd, we managed to squeeze through. Ben and I flew through Welland, past hook bank, and past the Three Counties, and home.

All round it was about 15 miles and it’s a route i’ve done plenty of times before, and each time it’s fun, interesting and often a challenge. The run from Clutters Cave to Peachfeild common was one of the best i’ve ever done, ‘part from the cows Ben and I maintained a good speed and didn’t stop (went slow through cows)

Looking forward to more cycling in the future!


30th Jan 2008 – Fun in the Mud

   Today, 30/1/08, i went up on the hills with my fellow Red Riders. There were 3 Red Riders on this ride; Adam, Ben and me. We all met up at the wyche cutting, and then proceeded up the steps to the ridge, from there we followed the ridge along until the path branched right, going right we hurtled down the hill through loads of mud! Several mudy puddles later we found ourselves on the black hills, a few rocky down hills, a gate or two, and a sneaky back route that almost got Ben killed (lol not literally) and we were in the Black Hills car park. There we fixed Adams puncure he had aquired earlier, after that was done we set off once again.

   Round to British Camp, down past the resouvier (and a load of deep puddles woo hoo!) we then ended up on Castle Morton common. A fun road with bits where you fly followed, and after a breif encouter with a cow we were on a main road through the common. it was on this road Adam and I tryed to chase a motorbike. Keeping close togehter we blasted through Welland, left and the junction by hook bank, up and round, then past the showground, and left into Peachfield road.

   Here we split up, i went along St Andrews the up through the town centre, along the Worcester road to link top (where i live) and thus i arrived home, covered in mud. and overall it was brilliant fun!!

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